Wednesday, May 28, 2008

SMS Donation (短訊捐款) - From 12:00noon 1 Jun (Sun) to 8 Jun (Sun)

100% of your donations will be distributed to the following Charity Organizations

- 聯合國兒童基金會United Nations Children’s Fund (unicef)
- 樂施會 Oxfam
- 救世軍 Salvation Army
- 紅十字會 Red Cross
- 世界宣明會 World Vision
- 福幼 Caring for Children Foundation



參與短訊捐款之流動網絡供應商: 1010, One2Free & New World Mobility, 3 Hong Kong, PCCW mobile, PEOPLES, SmarTone-Vodafone
短訊平台支援: Telewide Enterprises Limited
支援機構﹕香港無線科技商會 (WTIA)

* 參與機構豁免有關收費

SMS Donation

From 1st June 2008 12:00 noon to 8th June 2008 24:00 (end of the day), mobile subscribers can send a blank SMS or supportive message to the designated number “508508” to donate HK$25 to “512 Artistes Fund Raising Campaign” to help the Sichuan earthquake victims. Donations will be deducted from your next monthly bill or from your pre-paid card balance.

Participating Mobile Network Operators: 1010, One2Free & New World Mobility, 3 Hong Kong, PCCW mobile, PEOPLES, SmarTone-Vodafone
SMS Platform Support: Telewide Enterprises Limited
Coordinating Organization: Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA)

* Participating parties will waive all the relevant charges